In the part of the Constitution that defines political rights and freedoms, the right to vote is first of all standardized, i.e. every citizen who has reached the age of 18 and has resided in Montenegro for at least two years has the right to vote and be elected. Voting rights are universal and equal and are exercised in elections. Elections are free, and voting is secret.
Everyone is guaranteed the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion, as well as to change religion or belief and to manifest religion or belief through customs or rituals. Freedom of expression of religious beliefs can be limited only in cases of violation of rights guaranteed by the Constitution.
Everyone has the right to freedom of expression by speech, written word, image or other means. The right to freedom of expression can be limited only in case of violating the dignity of reputation and honour or if Montenegro’s public morality or security is threatened.
It is also defined that the freedom of the press and other public information is guaranteed. The right to establish newspapers and other means of general information without approval is guaranteed with registration with the competent authority and the right to correct false information and compensation for damage caused by it.
Censorship is prohibited in Montenegro. Only the competent court can prevent the dissemination of information in cases prescribed by the Constitution and laws. Everyone has the right to access information held by state bodies and organizations exercising public authority. The right to access information can be limited in protecting life, public health, morals and privacy, conduct of criminal proceedings, security and defence of Montenegro, foreign, monetary and economic policy.
Everyone has the right to freedom of peaceful assembly, with prior notification to the competent authority, and this right can be restricted only in cases prescribed by law. Release of political, trade union and other associations and activities without approval is guaranteed, with mandatory registration with the competent authority. The state can help political and other associations if there is a public interest. Political organization in state bodies is prohibited, as well as the organization and activities of foreigners and political organizations whose headquarters are outside Montenegro. The activities of political and other organizations whose work is aimed at overthrowing the constitutional order, as well as the establishment of secret subversive organizations and irregular armies, are prohibited.
Everyone has the right to turn to international organizations to protect their rights guaranteed by the Constitution. Also, every person has the right to address a state body or organization that exercises public powers, independently or with another person, and to receive a response. No one can be held accountable or suffer other consequences because of the views expressed in the address if they did not commit a criminal act.