In the section related to economic, social and cultural rights and freedoms, the property right is defined primarily. It cannot be limited, nor can a person be deprived of the right to property unless it is in the public interest and with fair compensation. Natural resources are state-owned and in general use.
Freedom of entrepreneurship is guaranteed, which can only be limited to protecting human health, the environment, natural resources, cultural heritage, and the security and defence of Montenegro.
The right of inheritance is also guaranteed, and a foreign person can be the subject of property rights by the law.
Everyone has the right to work, free choice of occupation and employment, humane working conditions, and protection during unemployment. Forced labour is prohibited. Forced labour is not considered work while serving a sentence of deprivation of liberty, performing military service, or working in the event of a crisis or an accident that threatens human life. Employees have the right to an appropriate salary, limited working hours, paid holidays and protection at work. Youth, women and people with disabilities have special protection.
The social position of employees is harmonized in the Social Council, which consists of representatives of trade unions, employers and the Government. Employees have the right to strike, which can be limited to employees in the police, military and public service to protect public interests. Social insurance for employees is mandatory. The state provides material security to a person who cannot work and has no means of subsistence. Persons with disabilities have special protection.
Everyone has the right to health care. Children, pregnant women, the elderly and persons with disabilities have the right to protection from public revenues. The state also protects consumers. Actions that endanger the health, safety and privacy of consumers are prohibited.
Marriage can only be concluded with the free consent of the woman and the man and is based on the equality of the spouses. The family enjoys special protection. Parents are obliged to take care of their children, to bring them up and educate them. Children are obliged to take care of their parents who need help. Children born out of wedlock have the same rights as children born in marriage. Mother and child enjoy special protection. The state creates conditions that encourage the birth of children. The child enjoys rights and freedoms appropriate to his age and maturity and is guaranteed protection from any possible abuse and the right to education, where primary education is compulsory and free. The autonomy of universities, higher education and scientific institutions is guaranteed.
The freedom of scientific, cultural and artistic creativity and the publication of scientific and artistic works, discoveries and inventions are guaranteed with guarantees of moral and property rights to their authors. The state must encourage the development of education, science, culture, art, sports, physical and technical culture and protect scientific, cultural, artistic and historical values.
The state and every individual must preserve and protect the natural and cultural heritage.