In terms of gender impact, which is determined in such a way that women and men in any institution or corporation will be included in the assessment processes of the same, it is necessary to do gender statistics that represent the specification of data for women/girls compared to men/boys – specification.
The gender equality index conducted by Monstat in Montenegro for 2023 is 59.3, an increase of 4.3 index points compared to the Index from 2019. In the EU-27, the Gender Equality Index is 68.6. Compared to the EU-27, Montenegro records a lower index value of 9.3 index points. The Index of the main domains of gender equality shows that the most significant inequality gap is present in the area of money (lower value of the Index by 20.7 index points compared to the EU-27 average), while the smallest gap in Montenegro compared to the EU-27 average was recorded in health domain (lower value of the Index by 0.8 index points compared to the EU-27 average). The gender equality index was launched for the first time in 2013 for the European Union member states.
It’s important to highlight that this research was conducted closely with the European Institute for Gender Equality, adding credibility to the findings.
We must continue to work together to promote the equal economic independence of women and men, reduce the gap between the sexes, and foster gender balance in decision-making. These are not just principles upheld by international organizations and the European Union but a collective responsibility we all share.
It is necessary to create a lot of space for improvement, which implies the cooperation of non-governmental organizations, institutions, and relevant international organizations with the Media Union of Montenegro in the form of trainings and workshops so that this issue is more represented in the media and, therefore, data on the progress of gender equality are presented to the public.
As the authors of this text, we emphasize that increasing accessibility, removing barriers, developing skills, and empowering people who are otherwise marginalized or excluded from creating and using public policies, programs, and services are ultimately necessary. One apparent reason for advocating for diversity, equity, and inclusion is that by promoting these values, we promote understanding.